Why It Works

Understanding Roulette

Losing roulette systems take a very wrong approach to roulette. Specifically, they’re based on combination bets, the law of a third, progression betting, and all sorts of nonsense that may look good in principal but has no value at all. Even the commonly used law of a third cannot be used to create a winning system. The law of a third states that after 37 spins, 1/3 of the spins will be repeats. Certainly after 37 spins, some numbers are likely to be repeats. But knowing this doesn’t help determine (with sufficient accuracy) which numbers will be repeats, so the law of a third can never increase your chances of winning.

And progression (increasing bets after losing) is a sure way to lose your entire bankroll unless your system first beats the house edge. My system does not rely on physical imperfections of the roulette wheel, but it will of course exploit imperfections if they are present. It is effective against even the most modern and so-called ‘random’ wheels. Almost all losing systems lose because they forget what roulette really is – a little ball that spins around a wheel until it falls into a pocket. Where the balls lands is never random, it’s due to physical various factors. This is obvious, but how do you determine these factors to predict where the ball will land? This is exactly what my system does. When you realize roulette is not a “random” game, you realize it can be beaten.

The Key to Any Winning Roulette Strategy:

There’s no way of knowing exactly which number will spin next. And there’s no way of knowing exactly which AREA of the wheel will spin next. However, you can determine, with enough accuracy to beat the house edge, which areas of the wheel is most likely to spin next. This is achieved by understanding the physics of roulette wheels, what patterns are likely to occur over the long term, and how to identify and exploit those patterns.

Roulette is not a game of numbers and statistics. It is not about the betting table. It is about the physics of the wheel, and understanding why the ball lands where it does. Then using this data to predict where it will land on future spins.

The House Edge is Only Slight. You Only Need To Marginally Increase The Accuracy Of Your Predictions.

The house edge is only a small 2.7%. To overcome it and profit consistently, you only need to predict where the ball is most likely to land with just slight accuracy. This is not difficult to do. My system achieves much more accuracy than is required.

Part of my system is a form of statistical analysis, but this is only an element of it. The core of it is not statistical in nature – it is pure physics that utilizes the following principles:

When ‘interacting’ objects are subject to static properties, long term and predictable patterns are inevitable. The roulette wheel and ball is no exception. Specifically with a roulette wheel, it is impossible for no long term patterns to be generated – it’s merely a question of whether or not the patterns of a specific wheel are strong enough to overcome the house edge. Yes of course the speed of the wheel and ball determines where the ball will land, but this is on individual spins. However, even if wheel and ball speeds vary enormously between spins, long term patterns are unreservedly inevitable – it is a scientific certainty and there’s nothing a casino can do to avoid it.

How Much Do Casinos Know?

The casinos themselves know one of the very few ways of beating roulette is with a proper wheel analysis. Unfortunately of the people that know this, most simply do not know what patterns to look for. Our system looks for nine different pattern types. Like most professional wheel analyzers, the casinos are only aware of two of the nine pattern types. A casino’s own wheel pattern analysis software is therefore inadequate (software casinos use behind the scenes to let them know if a wheel generates known pattern types). Casinos know systems such as ours beat roulette, so they use wheel analysis software to detect patterns on their wheels. However, their software is largely inadequate, and and does not detect numerous patterns.

Although the casinos only know about 2 of the 9 patterns, because they know a deeper wheel analysis can and does beat roulette, the smarter casinos randomly move around wheels in attempt to confuse our players – they know very well that wheel analyzers are a real threat. But the moving and swapping of wheels does NOT affect the profits of our players because they can simply look at unique identifying features of the wheel such as wood grain and small scratches.

The other 7 of the 9 pattern types are something only an energy researcher may understand – many are tied intimately with sacred geometry such as the “golden spiral” (as absolutely everything is). It is not “new” technology – it’s actually as ancient as the universe itself; and you just have to know exactly what to look for. If you would like to know more about this, we suggest the book “Living Energies”, and related publications by “Callum Coats”. In particularly, knowledge of weather, lightning and Overunity-Efficiency Fluid Dynamics (implosion and recursion) is important.

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